
Riverside, ha sido galardonada como Mejor Fondo Global LBO en la entrega de premios Private Equity Exchange Awards. Este premio pone de relieve la capacidad que tiene Riverside para ayudar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas a desarrollarse e internacionalizarse de forma sostenible y estratégica. Desde su fundación en 1988, Riverside ha cerrado más de 300 operaciones, y en lo que va de año ha invertido en 26 compañías y realizado 11 desinversiones. La cartera de empresas de la firma incluye más de 70

Riverside awarded Gold for “Best Global LBO Fund” at The Private Equity Exchange Awards

03 December 2012 – The Riverside Company has received a Gold Award from the Private Equity Exchange Awards in the Best Global LBO Fund Category. The international award recognises Riverside’s continued success in completing investments, and highlights the firm’s ability to build and internationalise companies sustainably and strategically in a manner that benefits both portfolio companies and investors.

The judges cited Riverside’s strong returns and unique structure as reasons for acknowledging the firm. Riverside is the only global private equity firm focused exclusively on the lower end of the middle market. With a team of more than 20 originators located around the world, the firm has the exceptional ability to pursue the best opportunities in local regions while leveraging Riverside’s global resources.

This unique approach to origination, coupled with a 25-strong global operating team, provides management expertise to help companies become more productive and competitive, and has enabled Riverside to thrive since its founding in 1988.

Riverside Partner Karsten Langer was pleased with the honour, saying:

‘This award recognises Riverside’s rigorous application of the Private Equity model - focusing on investing in healthy, growing companies and making them bigger and stronger. After investing in a company, value is created from within, drawing on our firm’s management expertise, international reach and deep resources. We’re particularly glad to receive this award in France, where we see a number of excellent businesses that could benefit from private equity involvement.’ 

Riverside has completed more than 300 acquisitions, and in to date in 2012 it has invested in 26 companies and completed 11 exits. Its portfolio of companies span a variety of industries, with a particular focus on sectors where Riverside anticipates strong growth, including:

Healthcare Education & Training Software & Information Technology Energy & Sustainability Consumer Products Franchisors

The Awards Ceremony was organised by Leaders League, an independent information provider that publishes Décideurs magazine in France.

The Riverside Company ( or The Riverside Company is a global private equity firm focused on acquiring growing businesses valued at up to $200 million (€200 million in Europe). Since its founding in 1988, Riverside has invested in 300 transactions. The firm’s international portfolio includes more than 70 companies.