The main innovation delivered by iCategory ® developed in conjunction with CSIC, is that it incorporates artificial intelligence components which increase the business efficiency of the procurement process by managing knowledge on the supply markets more efficiently.

The technological solution, presented in Madrid, strengthens iSOCO's focus on developing tools aimed at transforming the purchasing function, which is often neglected within the structure of organisations, into a strategic area for companies.

Unique in the market, iCategory ® facilitates the implementation of a purchasing model based on category management, a method that adds a great deal of value to the procurement chain. It provides a common system and language for all the buyers acquiring goods and services within a company in order to ensure standardised criteria for supply market relationships.

With a clear focus on achieving results, the solution supports the process of defining the strategy for a category, improving the formalisation and monitoring of action plans and performing comparisons and scenario simulations. Equipped with artificial intelligence, in addition to enabling knowledge to flourish, it also allows past experiences to be cross-examined so that the Category Manager has a comprehensive overview that assists in the decision-making process.

iCategory® is the module that completes the iQuotes Suite, the online platform with tools for every stage of the purchasing process, from identification and qualification of suppliers (iProvider®) to supply management (iFulfillment®).

The iCategory ® launch event was attended in Madrid by the iSOCO general manager, Javier Aróstegui, and various guests from the industry. Almirall's corporate purchasing manager, Alejandro Basso, gave a talk on 'Category Management as a springboard to transform the Purchasing Function', while the MIT doctorate holder and researcher of the CSIC's Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, explained how new technology can be used to manage knowledge on the supply markets more efficiently.

The iSOCO Sourcing Transformation manager, Lucía Adrover, was responsible for demonstrating the main features of iCategory® to those present.

About iSOCO

iSOCO is Spain's foremost ICT company with a clear commitment to internationalisation as a leading technology provider to help companies develop and position themselves in the Network Economy. It has its own R&D centre, iLAB, and it stands as an international leader in semantic technology and artificial intelligence. Its main differentiating factor resides in the combination of a range of services based on proprietary technology.

It was founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - National Research Council) and has a clear global vision and local presence in major markets. It is the only Spanish company to appear in the WCM Marketshare2010 and the instigator of the Spanish LinkedData Association (AELID).

With blue-chip clients like Almirall, AstraZéneca, Bankinter, BT, Colt, Grupo Leche Pascual, La Caixa, Repsol YPF and Zurich, among others, iSOCO is internationally renowned and possesses one of the most comprehensive semantic engines in the world: Semanti-K ®