Este evento tiene como objetivos difundir la marca "mimacom" ademàs de presentar edorasbpm. Ponentes de primer orden en el mundo del Open Source seràn los encargados de impartir esta jornada.
El próximo 23 de noviembre tendrá lugar la jornada "Los nuevos retos del Open Source". Organizado por Mimacom , este evento tiene como objetivos difundir la marca "mimacom" además de presentar edorasbpm. Ponentes de primer orden en el mundo del Open Source serán los encargados de impartir esta jornada.
Participan: Micha Keiner CEO de edorasbpm, Jürgen Höller Cofundador de Spring Source, John Powell Presidente y CEO de Alfresco, Jorge Ferrer Vicepresidente de Liferay y Brian McKinney CEO ICEsoft
“mimacom” ahora en España, como empresa lider en Open Source quiere ofrecer esta oportunidad a todos los decisores que tienen inquietud por conocer mejor el estado del arte y el futuro del Open Source.
09:00 – 09:30 Acreditación y Entrega de la Documentación 09:30 - 09:45 Bienvenida y Presentación de la Jornada 09:45 - 10:25 Jürgen Höller (Spring) 10:25 - 10:50 Pausa - Café 10:50 - 11:30 John Powell (Alfresco) 11:30 - 12:10 Jorge Ferrer (Liferay) 12:10 - 12:30 Pausa 12:30 - 13:10 Micha Kiener (edorasware) 13:10 - 13:50 Brian McKinney (ICEsoft) 13:50 - 14:15 Coloquio y preguntas 14:15 - 15:30 Aperitivo y Comida 15:30 - 19:00 Talleres, Demos de Alfresco, Liferay y edorasbpm
Juergen Hoeller is the co-founder of the Spring Framework project. Juergen has been the most active Spring developer since the open source project began from Rod's Interface21 framework back in February 2003. Juergen and Rod together continue to provide the direction for Spring. Juergen has earned great respect in the Spring and J2EE communities for his energy, the quality of his code, his incredible attention to detail, and his huge contribution in Spring forums and mailing lists. Juergen is an experienced consultant, with outstanding expertise in web applications, transaction management, O/R mapping technologies, and lightweight remoting. He has specialized in J2EE since early 2000, having held technology leader positions in various projects ranging from enterprise application integration to web-based data visualization. Juergen is co-author of J2EE without EJB.
John Powell is President and CEO of Alfresco and has 25 years of enterprise software sales and operations experience. Prior to Alfresco, John was responsible for running worldwide operations at Business Objects®. During his tenure, Business Objects grew at 50% per annum to $415m and a market capitalization in excess of $6B. Business Objects was subsequently acquired by SAP for $6.8B. Powell founded Business Objects UK in 1991, and built the UK organization and then the global organization into the most successful Business Intelligence player worldwide. Prior to joining Business Objects, Powell worked in sales management positions at Oracle® and Comshare®. He has a BS First Class from Birmingham University.
Jorge Ferrer es el Vice President, Engineering de Liferay Inc. Anteriormente ha sido tambien, Director General de Liferay S.L, el centro de ingeniería de Liferay en España desde el que se desarrolla, se innova y se ofrecen servicios de val or añadido sobre Liferay Portal. Forma parte del proyecto Liferay desde 2003. Actualmente es uno de los principales líderes técnicos a nivel mundial del producto y, por tanto, responsable directo de la evolución de Liferay Portal.
Micha Kiener is responsible for Research and Innovation at mimacom ag, a company specialized in Java and Open Source Technology applying agile methods. He is initiator and main committer of the Open Source framework edoras and participating in the development of ICEfaces, an Ajax-framework based on JSF as well as Liferay, an Open Source portal solution. He is co-leading the Spring 3.1 release where the conversation management of edoras is going to be part of Spring core. After his diploma thesis in artificial intelligence, he focused on Java, especially in light-weight, model- and process-driven architecture and framework developing. Java Expert and Open Source enthusiast. Core framework developer (specialized in workflow and generic process engines) but always mixed with huge real world experience. Pioneer in agile methodology (Scrum), mixed with a sophisticated tool chain in compliance with CMMI.
Lugar: Madrid – Eurobuilding - Padre Damián, 23 28036 Madrid
Contacto: mimacom Avda. Cortes Valencianas, 39 Edificio Géminis Center Tel 96 119 96 19 "